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In the fast-paced world of IT, if you’re not learning, you’re falling behind. At VALA, we encourage our employees to take charge of their professional development. As a self-directed organization, we believe that growth and learning are the responsibility of the individual. But that doesn’t mean you’re on your own! In this blog we’ll highlight the various ways of learning at VALA.

Working in a consulting business that’s not tied to a specific time or location, we’ve had to get creative with how we:

  • Share knowledge and learn from each other
  • Get inspired and motivate one another
  • Offer both emotional and technical support

As Alessandro, one of VALA’s specialist’s, put it:

“I believe that, from the point of view of professional development, VALA is one the best places to work in this field.”


software developer

Learning on the job

Our consultants spend most of their time working on customer projects. That’s why it’s crucial that these projects align with their personal ambitions and support moving forward in their careers.

We always give our people a say in which projects they work on. As Bardhyl, our test automation specialist, shared, “Working at VALA has given me everything a young and aspiring person like me needs – challenging projects in a friendly and compassionate environment.”

Juha, another colleague, added:

“I like that at VALA, my interests are taken into account when looking for a suitable customer project.”


test automation developer

Learning through communities

VALA communities are professional groups where people with similar interests and knowledge come together. We currently have four communities:

  • QA-hub and Tech hub focus on e.g. test management, testing, tools, automation and development.
  • Bizzcult and Smooth Interaction focus on business development and other workplace skills.

These communities are a great way to connect with colleagues, share knowledge, and learn from each other. The communities organize events and an office day every couple of weeks.

Study groups

In addition to our communities, we also organize study groups to support collaborative learning. These groups focus on, for example, professionally relevant books, certification materials, or online courses. Often, the participants take turns facilitating each meeting. It’s a popular way to grow and get to know colleagues better.

Personal training time and budget

We also encourage self-directed learning. You can use up to 6 days per year for self-study. Need more time? Just talk to your VALA contact. You also have your personal training budget which you can use for example to get books, courses and seminars.

Development Discussions with VALA Coaches

While we believe in self-directed learning, we also offer plenty of support, including development discussions with VALA coaches. These discussions help you plan your professional development path, whether you’re looking to grow horizontally, vertically, or both. Development discussions are optional, you can book one when you feel you need another opinion or guidance for your next steps.

Common career paths at VALA

At VALA, we’re committed to creating an environment where everyone can learn and grow. If you’re looking for a company that values learning and development, come join us!
