First impressions interview with Tanja

Tanja, a People & Culture Specialist, has worked at VALA for about a month, so now is the perfect opportunity to get some first impression feedback from her.
So Tanja, first we’d like to ask something to awake the reader’s interest. What’s the worst experience you’ve had at VALA so far ;)?
Tanja: Slow coffee machine – I need my coffee fix ASAP!
Next one is more pleasant: What has been the best experience so far at VALA?
Tanja: The trust that I have been given from the day one!
In VALA’s processes and ways of working, what would you like to fix?
Tanja: Remove all of the unnecessary excels.
What are the things that have surprised you in a positive way?
Tanja: Well I already knew this was the case, but still the way how humbly and open-mindedly new proposals are received.
How would you describe VALA’s culture?
Tanja: Warm, caring and super professional.
Our CEO Sami finds his new passion and becomes a car mechanic. You are now the CEO of VALA. What happens next?
Tanja: Nothing because – why fix something that isn’t broken? Hey that could also be Sami’s new garage slogan! 😀
Based on your observations so far, where do you think VALA will be in a couple of years?
Tanja: A little bit bigger and enjoying remote work days at Marbella – hopefully!
Last but not least, how will you improve VALA’s culture in order for us to manage the new normal (i.e. remote work, seeing each other less etc.)?
Tanja: I am trying to find ways how we could enjoy the communality also remotely, it has been such an important part of the everyday work life for VALA people before the corona.
A good way to start is by modifying previously well-functioning activities to the ”new normal”!