’Our Employees Want to Take on the World’ – IoT Market Worth Billions Open for VALA Group that Is Now Deepening Cooperation with Qt

The software quality company VALA Group is entering into extensive cooperation with The Qt Company, which is growing at a tremendous pace. ’Qt provides its customers around the world with state-of-the-art technology and software solutions. Our team ensures that the developed solutions are made available for customers quickly and with top quality’, says Teemu Pesonen, Head of Operations of VALA Group. ’The most important thing for us is the success of our customers, and that’s where VALA’s experts bring significant added value’, says Petri Lehmus, Director at The Qt Company. Both Finnish companies emphasize the importance of cooperation for growth.
Press Release, 21st of December 2021
The software quality company VALA Group heads to the global market with an exceptional starting point.
’Our strategy is designed together, by the entire company. Decisions come from the bottom up, not the other way around. The idea of going global was born this way too. First, we got the proposal and then a 68 % support when tested in our survey. However, growth itself is not the motive but the ability to offer our employees even more interesting assignments. Our employees want to take on the world’, sums up Teemu Pesonen, VALA Group’s Head of Operations, in charge of entering the global market.
VALA’s international growth is made possible by world-class expertise in software development quality assurance, test automation and development of testing processes. VALA’s cutting-edge competence is already a top asset for example in the field of health technology.
’Our experts make sure that the end user gets the best possible product or service. Quality is critical in healthcare, for example, in optimizing cancer treatments or planning surgeries using technology.’
’Likewise, the automotive industry is a very important user of software and quality is especially significant. Siili Auto, part of the Group, is a pioneer in developing solutions for the automotive industry, for which we also now intend to offer our quality expertise. Our employees can utilize their skills in full due to new demanding tasks’, explains Pesonen.
Collaboration with Qt driving the growth
The Qt Company, also Finnish, has become a new leading tech company. Acquiring the best possible partners allows Qt itself to focus on technology and growth. As a top global provider of IoT (Internet of Things) solutions, Qt cannot compromise on quality.
’VALA is an important partner for us. VALA’s expertise in quality assurance processes, test automation and testing complements what we offer to our customers. VALA is able to ensure the smooth implementation of our test automation and quality assurance products, regardless of industry, which makes it possible for us to support the success of our customers even better – this benefits everyone’, analyzes Qt’s Petri Lehmus, who leads Qt’s global services business.
’The most important thing for us is the success of our customers, and that’s where VALA’s experts bring significant added value. IoT solutions, increasing explosively in variety and volume, are the future of industry. That’s why our cooperation with VALA opens a promising future far ahead’, commends Lehmus.
Tuomo Peltonen is responsible for Qt’s partnership at VALA. He’s excited about the opportunities that the cooperation with Qt opens up for employees.
“Qt is a top company already leading in a number of different industries. It is no exaggeration to say that Qt’s technology is building the leap into a new world of IoT. The fact that we get to play our part in supporting Qt’s customers in this global, revolutionary IoT megatrend, is a fabulous opening for our employees’, applauds Peltonen.
’According to current estimates there are already nearly 50 billion devices connected to the Internet. The size of the IoT market will reach 1,500 billion in a few years. The market for software-related services alone is already worth at least billions’, describes Peltonen the tremendous growth opportunities.
With the growth outlook soaring, VALA’s recruitment needs are also increasing rapidly. Teemu Pesonen believes in the attractiveness of the company for new recruits – VALA is ranked as the most highly valued company in Alma Media’s Tuntopalvelu.
’We’ve started recruiting in Finland due to strong international demand, mainly to serve our international customers. In addition, we’ve intensified our cooperation with the Polish offices of the Group to be able to meet the growing global demand and do so also from outside of Finland’, elaborates Pesonen.
Additional information:
Teemu Pesonen, Head of Operations, VALA Group,
+358 400 513514, teemu.pesonen@valagroup.com