VALA Group joins Isähaaste (Father challenge)

VALA Group joins Isähaaste (father challenge)! VALA is the second company to join this recently started challenge.
Our people’s wellbeing is the most important thing and we didn’t want to miss this opportunity to further develop the father-friendliness of our company. Isähaaste aims to improve a father-friendly culture at workplaces, equality between men and women and to enable close father-child relationships to all fathers. Isähaaste was initiated by Tekniikan akateemiset TEK, Siili Solutions Oyj and Knowit Oy.
When our account manager and a father of a small child Juho Häyrynen first mentioned Isähaaste, we didn’t hesitate to jump onboard. Even though Juho believes these things are already in order at VALA – “I’m sure that when our child goes to daycare, everything will be so much easier knowing that VALA can be flexible with these things if needed” – we want this positive environment towards parenthood to be a clear thing for all VALA people, so that we can once again be one step closer to being the happiest workplace in Finland.
Now we’ll challenge your company to join Isähaaste too!